Sunday, December 21, 2014

Titanic II

I'm sure a lot of you have heard the rumor about a new Titanic that might possibly be built, better known as the Titanic II. Of course, naturally, the biggest ramble it has set off is if people will trust the ship enough to actually hitch a ride, or if it will forever set sail alone. Don't get me wrong, at first I had the most common answer running through my head, hell no. Many are quick to reject the new idea, but if we think abut it logically, the chances of another mistake happening such as the one that happened on the original, are slim to none. I mean think about it, it's not like they didn't figure out what the problem was? They knew well after the situation took place, if anything you would think that they would take extra repercussions to go out of their way and make sure that the same incident would not take place again.

Therefore, thinking twice on the issue (of course if I ever got the chance; probably going to be unrealistically expensive) I would probably hitch a ride. As they say now-a-days you only live once, and how cool would it be to say you got to ride on the repercussioned Titanic,and lived through it! Besides, I'm sure there are plenty of priceless artifacts and pieces of history that remained on the ship that are going to be placed on the new one. We go through museums all the time and get the glimpse of reality from past times then, how cool would it be to experience history while on a model of the ship it all took place on?

Now we could sit here and reminisce on all of the bad thing that took place and how that yes it is possible something could go wrong again but in all honesty that's true of anything. Every time you get in a car, every time you go aboard an airplane, every time you enter a large body of water that contains a current; everything has a risk to it. The Titanic just happened to be on of those risks gone wrong. So I guess there's only one question left here: If you got the opportunity, would you hitch a ride on the Titanic II?

The True Feeling of Jealousy

Recently a new post about Beyonce and Jay Z states that the couple might outbid a Beverly hill mansion for $70 million. Now lets be honest, this is not the first time we have heard of something like this. It seems like there's a new blog or article in a magazine about how "a new celebrity bought a $200,000 car" or "a new celeb couple gets buys a new mansion worth 3 peoples lives put together" or "celeb spotted on  private Island claiming to be on vacation". While these posts do tend to feed the general populations mind and draw the interest of many, we can't go un-noticing that part of that is based on jealousy. We have to admit (or at least I do) that we're amazed by the luxury lives more "popular and higher up" people live. Come on, admit it, you have scrolled through such posts before and thought at least once "I wish" or "If only". The truth is though is (while it looks like it on the outside) money truly does not by the happiness of others.

Too many times I've read articles about how so and so committed suicide, overdosed, or is struggling through something based on being alone or having no one to talk to. I challenge you to take one week from keeping all of your secrets you know to yourself and not talking to anyone about how you feel about anything and see if you can make it. I doubt you will. We don't realize how much interaction we have in a day with others, and I'm sure half of the problems of these celebs is based on the fact that they are cooped up in a studio or too busy impressing the public to focus on themselves and what they really need. Sure they look like they live perfect lives, but pictures can be very deceiving. Don't believe me? Plenty have spoke out about it. Take drake for example, he raps about it in his song Language for just one of the many examples that are out there. Too often we are so focused on the brightness the lime light brings that we let articles such as these go unseen or unspoken of. Don't get me wrong I also have a problem with  looking at new mansions or cars or vacations celebs go on and not being jealous, But just ask yourself next time, now that you have the real facts. Would it really be worth it? Are you really Jealous of the person, or just of the beauty of the glorious picture in front of you that middle class people like us dream about?