We've known many to be the way that Ariana is, soft spoken but not near shy when she hits the stage. Some examples would include Martina McBride, Micheal Jackson just to name a few. But we never seem to fall short of loving celebrities that live such different lives on and off stage. Watching someone get on stage and relive certain moments of their lives right in front of you is truly inspiring, but that is just the beginning.
I envy Ariana. Now I get it, I sound like a crazed fan (which I couldn't totally repent) but I do truly envy her. We all remember Miley Cyrus's rough "transition" from Hannah Montana to whatever she is now, and that in no way was a graceful way of doing things. I mean, how do you manage to change from teenage sweetheart to most rebellious immature young adult in a matter of a couple of years? Ariana however set an amazing example. Slowly sipping out of Cat and into a matured adult (still expressing her longing of growing and moving forward to a more mature part in her life) and being able to keep herself poised was quite a sight to see. I mean, how else could you successfully transition from Cat on Nickelodeon to being invited by president Obama to preform in the white house along side of some of the greatest soulful singers of our generation, not many I would say.
Along with the success of her transition, she has also been able to keep a lot of her same fans, while also gaining more from the older adult category. Going back to the Miley Cyrus comparison, there is no way parents of Disney watchers could let their kids continue to fan girl over someone who does drugs and rides hot dogs half naked in concert. Which again, shows just how extraordinary it was it was to watch Ariana be so amazing at her transition to a greater part of her life.
Now Ariana is one of the most known artists around the world and has achieved what most only dream of. And as for her fans (speaking from the perspective of one) it is just as pleasing to watch her succeed.