Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Lea Michele

I'm sure by now we have all heard about Lea Michele's  soon to be husband passed away after an overdose only weeks before they were supposed to get married. I remember reading magazine article upon magazine article about how crushed Michele wouldn't speak out upon the topic of his death ( and rightfully so). After weeks of articles about words only spoken from her close loved ones, she finally came out and said that while she appreciated the support all she really wanted was some time alone, space to grieve. Just a year later however, she seems to have gotten back into the swing of things as the new promo for the final season of Glee,  coming out with a confident performance of Let It Go.

It's difficult enough to loose someone in your family that you loved dearly, but has to be even harder to loose someone that you were so close to being married too. Within a matter of a few weeks Michele would have gotten married to the love of her life, and it all seemed to slip through her fingers. She lost her everything, and still managed to get back up on her feet. That is the biggest act of confidence and strength that could possibly be displayed in my opinion. I commend her for that alone, but to go back to the show that her and Monteith (her boyfriend) stared in together, is quite impressive. She serves as quite an inspiration for many of her and Monteith's fans as she picked up herself up (with practically no closure) and decided to let things fall into her hands,and she is dealing with the situation tremendously.

I'm sure that somewhere within this new season we will see plenty of little moments that Michele has (along with some of her friends) regarding Monteith's former character Finn, and will touch the hearts of all it's viewers. It's incredible the amount of support that his and Micheles families (along with their former co-stars) have received regarding his death, and how they all have come out strong. As for Lea Michele, it is amazing to see her stand strong after all that she has been through, and show in the short 20 second promo that she is ready to try and move on and maybe even try to let it go as she continues her astounding career in singing and acting,and closing out the last season of Glee.

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