Sunday, January 11, 2015

Is It Really That Important?

A lot of times now-a-days half of the headlines we see are about honestly (in my opinion) are ridiculously unreasonable things. Like is it really that big of a deal that Kevin Hart is shorter than his fiance? Like we couldn't have guessed that one! Or that Jeremy Renner glanced at Jennifer Lopez's boobs? Honestly people WE ARE HUMAN, and yes while it was probably a really tacky time to do it, I'm almost positive half the things that are put out there right now are soooo over exaggerated, such as this one. Like how much do you want to bet that some member of the paparazzi just happened to get a lucky picture that seemed like that was what as happening, and then wasted a whole entire article on a lie. Want to write about something that will really impact us as a population? Write about how terrible the economy is right now, or about world hunger. Who cares if we've heard about it a million times, we need to hear about it a million times more! These are the are things that are going to make or break our society and yet we continue to be so self involved in life that we would rather read a whole article about a lie rather than one simple sentence of the truth.

I'm sure many of you reading this right now probably think all of this is overrated but think about it people! Think of the difference between how many articles there are in world about the Kardashians new nudes or how so and so fell on the sidewalk compared to how many there are about how scarce our natural resources are, and how if we loose those we literally can't do or make anything. Sure we rage on for a few days when subjects of the scarcity of our environment finally make the lime light, but we will rage on for weeks over an entertaining lie about Brad Pitt or Angelia Jolie. Literally (while I will admit I am often one of them) try not to be the person that cares more about the truth that's twisted into lies and more about reality. The human voice has so much power as to what ends up unfolding in the world. All we need to do is speak up and we could literally change the world! So why do we always ignore what we are truly capable of? Because we honestly just don't care? Or because we are to focused on the lies and to blind to the truth?

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