Sunday, October 19, 2014

How to Get Away With Murder

Recently a new article has sparked the interest of many of it's viewers consisting of the new television series How to Get Away With Murder, ( and I for one am one of those people. The new series is proclaimed to changing TV as we know it, and this exciting statement (in my eyes) couldn't be any more true.

I portray this series as a show about a group of college students that partake in a class about law and end up getting themselves dug into a deeper hole than they ever expected. Viewers such as myself get sucked into a series of different murder cases that they are all supposed to help the attorney (their aw teacher) solve. Throughout the show I as a viewer have been able to form many of my own outlooks and opinions on the cases in the show based on the evidence provided and in turn get to watch the rest of the mystery unfold as they continue on to reveal the truth. I believe that this in many ways is the reason this show is in fact considered to be changing TV as we know it. The excitment of getting to form your own opinion on a case and really bringing not just the cast in but the viewers as well to solve such mysteries is quite intriguing.

There's is a highlighted case in the show that seems to be sticking around as all the others fade away, as this particular case involves many of the main characters. Flash forwards of the case are presented in every show and give an insight and another clue as to what is going on and who in fact is to blame in this case. My friends and I often find ourselves talking about the show on our free time, quite often more than we have any other show at any other given time. I agree with this article that this new series presented to the public is in fact swaying the it's audiences opinions on the quality of other shows based on this one. I myself, since watching this show, have never been as satisfied with other murder mystery shows as I have this one. This is in fact the source of the change of the way we watch TV. It is incredible to me just how fascinating a show be, fascinating enough to be able to take one show and change its audiences opinions on everything. Now that my friends is powerful beyond belief.

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