Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Raged Miley Cyrus Fans

I'm sure by now all of us have heard of Miley Cyrus by now (that is unless you live under a rock), and all of her (to say the least) fascinating changes since she's removed herself from her previous show/act of Hannah Montana. Since, she has showed up in many articles and conversations concerning her complete transformation, but one thing that isn't so much on the headlines is stories of her extremely crazed fan. Well, in contrast with that, I recently found an article pertaining to one of Cyrus's fans sneaking backstage as a cleaner during a show ( http://www.eonline.com/news/589998/miley-cyrus-fan-sneaks-backstage-at-singer-s-concert-dressed-as-a-cleaner). This raised a thought that I think many of us have wondered about at least a few times before.

Towards the beginning of Cryus's change a lot of us looked at her as too "out there", just too much of a leap from innocent teen to raged adult. Instead of following her, many of us rejected her behavior, saying that it just wasn't appropriate and that it was totally against everything she originally said she believed in. We even went as far as making short clipped video's of Cyrus stating that she wouldn't do (such as drugs) then, that cut into pictures of her doing such things now. What I don't understand is why over the course of the last year many changed their minds and followed her and continued being her fans.

If you ask people, many of Cyrus's fans will tell you that they love her because "She isn't afraid to be herself, no matter who is watching", but my question in return is, How? How does someone change that much within a span of a few months. I mean, she went from an engagement with a very flattering co star we worked with in her film The Last Song and a sturdy fan base, to a break off in the engagement and  a not so stable fan base within a very short period of time. She has gone against everything she preached to young kids in her younger years. She used to be such a respectable person for people of all ages to look up to, and what has she turned into? How are you supposed to find a person that rides hot dogs half naked smoking weed attractive and respectable? In my opinion, she took the adult role of a performer a little to far, because I can guarantee you no respectable adult would ever think of doing half the things she's done.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Miley Cyrus's and I do believe there is still a good person somewhere in there, because that person still shows up once in a while. I feel as if over the passed month or two she has calmed down a little bit and has been trying to change her image a little bit, which is good, because  I don't think that if she continues to do what she did/does that many people would stick around.

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